Illinois Archery Scholarships to be Awarded in 2023
We are pleased to announce that IDNR will be awarding $10,000 in scholarships again at this year’s State Tournament. IDNR and ICF (IL Conservation Foundation) have teamed up to offer these scholarships.
The ten $1,000 scholarships will be awarded as follows:
High score Male (any age group) – $1,000
High score Female (any age group) – $1,000
2nd highest Male (seniors only) – $1,000
2nd highest Female (seniors only) – $1,000
3rd highest Male (seniors only) – $1,000
3rd highest Female (seniors only) – $1,000
4th highest Male (seniors only) – $1,000
4th highest Female (seniors only) – $1,000
Academic Archer (randomly drawn) – 1,000
Academic Archer (randomly drawn) – $1,000
The scholarships are geared to be for senior athletes but note that the high score scholarship will be awarded regardless of grade. The two scholarships for Academic Archers will be awarded to two randomly drawn Academic Archers from the state of Illinois. Please do your best to get all of your athletes listed as Academic Archers before the State Tournament .
We are excited and look forward to seeing you at the 2023 Illinois State NASP Tournament on March 24th and 25th and having the best state tournament yet. If you have any questions please contact: Joe Robinson at [email protected] or call 217-785-8060 or Rich Lewis at [email protected] or call 217-785-9200.